Please support the Canine Genetics team at Cambridge (used to be the AHT team who identified the CA gene and
Articles about Health & Welfare
We have been working hard to enable Cerebellar Ataxia (CA) testing is available worldwide and we have some great news
The Epilepsy study swab pathway is shown below.Please choose which pathway you would like to take either:PATHWAY 1 Affected dogsorPATHWAY
The genetics team from the AHT are settling in at Cambridge and are hoping to get back to normal working
CA Testing The DNA testing service was approved by Cambridge University last week, and the genetics team can now begin
Canine lymphoma is a common cancer of the white blood cells [lymphocytes]. It typically presents as swelling of the lymph
The genetics team from the AHT have secured a laboratory at Cambridge University, contracts are still being negotiated between the
ISCGB Interim CA Breeding Protocol If you are new to the Spinone or are not familiar with Cerebellar Ataxia (CA),
As many of you will know the ISCGB has a long relationship with the Animal Health Trust. In 2005 the
28.07.2020 The Kennel Club and the Animal Health Trust (AHT) have issued a joint statement today (July 28) to advise